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Answer to High-Low Game

October 1996

Shown below are 10 items from the past. You are offered an item at a certain price. Decide whether if the price is too high or too low, compared to the price of that time period.
1) 1987- You are offered a compact disc of Madonna's True Blue at $2.75.
2) 1950- Someone offers you a pack of 10 double edged razor blade in a case for $1.75.
3) 1972- You can buy a simple mathematical calculator for $5.00.
4) 1952- You buy a Hershey's candy bar for $.25.
5) 1964- You purchase a Superman's comic book for $.45.
6) 1971- You buy a gallon of gas for $.70.
7) 1976- You buy a ticket for an around-the-world cruise aboard the Queen Elizabeth II on the most luxurious suite. You pay $54,000.00.
8) 1948- You purchase a six-bottle carton of Coca-Cola selling for $.50 plus deposit.
9) 1950- You are offered to buy a 12" black and white Fairfield console TV for $150.00.
10) 1961- You can purchase a genuine wallet-size color photo of rock and movie star Elvis Presley for $.25.



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